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IS Business Opportunities 8 Mortgage Loam $1900 with terms llirbqrshop orest 17 Money to Loan im or 11 Industrial Space Site 13 Office and Businet Space to Let and Wanted 850 700 1000 140 2300 per per per month month month month month repaved suhwav will be colors: per per available in Iwrl load flntsherl In fl it required to inspect ron hall 100 1 or MW5 REAL ESTATE LIMITED' CANADAS LARGEST REALTOR business Joca tenns storm corner rent only 5 Lot for Sale or Wanted (Continued from revloua atal Opportunities Galore IN SHOPPING CENTRE DON MILL AND NO 7 HIGHWAY OOD STORE LEASED DRUG STORE LEASED HARDWARE STORE LEASED RANK LEASED BUT STILL AVAILABLE RESTAURANT DRY CLEANERS VARIETY STORE BARBER SHOP BEAUTY PARLOR MEN'S WEAR MR BRADLY WA 4 7311 OICE 45 BLOOR ST GUEST home with lease required by German woman daughter LO 192l JOB lota wanted bankrupt ttocke etc suitable for mall order aalea Reply Bet 4200 Star PUNCH proes time available up to 24 tons BA 1 8711 ROOMING houees wanted now! WA 4 7711 Brooks Real Estate 582 Tonya Wit have buyers with ready cash tor any type of business We Invite your list ing call Melville Realty Ltd Brokers 1213 Danforth RI 2475 STORE OR RENT WITH NEW RONT is it jo rr ST CLAIR YONGE Or'rEEn EXCLUSIVELY BY DOBSON REAITOR 1454A YONGE WA 2 5189 $1000 1 00 000 SHORT TERM LOANS On 1st 2nd Mortgages Builders Money Immediately EM 3 8795 Mr Hendel or M0 5688 Evgs arm and Garden Equipment BOLAND fH hp traator'wih cultiva tor used 5 hour 3 Andover Cres north of Stop 31 Kingston ltd WEST rerrtral location on main ratline new and has free 7 arm Sale Rant Wanted 100 ACRES WStlBURTON ARM $(BOO lull price good term land pint A room home 21 aorta clear balance timber Terms Arranged to suit pur chaser Must be sold Mr Oraooh VA Mann and Martel loltisle farm HallbuM ton county: good buildings Implements timber or further partfrulats apply in Leslie Hagan Galan Ont Swimming Pool Equipment rot ipmfNT of swimming 8 ten nis courts skating rink end snsrjr bar Must sold York MHIs Recreations 3877 Yonge Bt lor" sale" S3' ford aulo malic EM 3 1089 9 11 THERE ar a number of western fran chises available In Ontario and Eastern Canada for automotive retail a tores We are otferirw this opportunity to re sponsible people Interested in operat ing their own bn lness Take advantage of 25 experience hr assodailrg with Canada's moat progreaslve auto mothe chain 45 stores now In opera Pw further Information tn Weriorn Tire and Auio Bupply Ltd head office London Ont $1000 ro $100000 OR BUILDERS OR BUSINESS LOAN ARRANGED ON MLOhD MORIGACE OVERLAND INANCE 144 IM I till 13 Office and Business Space to Let and Wanted EGLINTON lairTM 1400 Sq or Rent MODERN Ator on huiy ggllntem Avrt ideal for mlHlnaryRhop or Mtntlxr hind new 5 or 800 aquar fret locate McC aa near Iiirrl drlvt oltent for formerly a hank gootf reasonable rnk Call Mr Uoy ERNEST ERGUSON REALTOR fl Bin EGLINTON AVE MV 9 4 4 BLOOR BATHURST AREA TVY PARKING ACILITIES 4 SOO sq ft of space In this excellent location owner will build to suit tenant nuuanie schools aonable Schleln 6516 RENT or for sale 26fl acre farm near Barrie 8 room house all conveniencesImmediate possession HU 9 0425 6r wanted pay up to 10000 cash within SO miles Toronto Must be stream and some bush box 4348 Star ARM WANTED WITHIN immmuHny distance of Toronto liveable house with possibilities desired Owner could remain as help If buildings suitable Phone RO 2491 9 5 or write Box 218 filer 17 acres 50 workable 'uitot'inantsnlL good house near No II highway Mrs OroBrooks Sundrldge Ont sod" acres 110 work 1 ture 40 bush: 8 room house 2 barns henhouse hydro In across the road mile I mile school 2 miles to No 7 highway 4 miles Marmora 30 miles Belleyllle: 5 acres apple 50 acres suitable government text 6 acres Scotch pine for Christmas trees A good place for a man with tots of family help Annly John Brompton RB 3 Marmora $6500 eterboro county 230 acres cultivated bush and pasture good build Ings and hydro Includes Implements halt cash Cail Mr Peart Bendena Realtor LA 7570 1555 Dundas St $7000 down 200 acres: Uxbridge modern 7 room bungalow: large modem dairy barn spring creek: close tn town Immediate possession LY 8411 Shaln Realtor SEE IS OR YOHR Prefabricated Garage OPEN Tuesday Wednesday Thursday till 830 pm Saturday till 4 pm it! LITERATURE ON REQUEST TnRK BI' AR 1800 RD CORNER CALEDONIA 1111 110 LT 1191 OICE SPACE OR RENT A few offices still remain in a recently completed building on Wellington 0t This building has a beautiful entrance new elevator fluorescent lighting air conditioning and floor eoveringl op tional rtesrpy params units or sq ft at JI 35 approximately fl at $175 fl approximatelyfl it at $208 approximately so it at $278 approximately sq it at $575 approximately APPLY to our representative on premises at 44 54 Wellington St Or HIE TOHONIO GENERAL TRUSTS CnitrOKATION 253 BAY ST EM 4 4371 EVGS IIU 9248 QUEEN st large store for rent 24 'x 125 separate entrance oil heating 2 display windows full basement back driveway ST 8 5372 Gerrard completely fitted for men's and children's wear WA 1 9969 9 30 a to 8 STORE for tent 20'x60' excellent cor ner oil heated lease to suit Churchill Re ta rant 1161 Werton Rd STORE and offices to rent north side on Bloor between Bay and Avenue Rd HU 9 0425 store fpr rent "or sale ment rear 4 rooms above 1622 Bloor Bt LA 3784 6 STORE for rent with 3 room 5389 store for rent 4 roomx 667 Queen Bt Olt4230 PRorrssioxAL bi tAlt YERS I OR SU STORES AND OI 1KES 6 suites with dual washrooms on bus1 subway Immediate possession of til 6500 sq ft Reasonable payment lo first mortgage ull information KO! 1 1 lh 2 8 1 8 287 Coxwell 2 doors from toblawa and modern new store reasonable rent RE 8712 3000 SQ OR RENT BRIGHT clean warehouse In central downtown location Entire floor with monorail running through the space to a Alone navad lan a vwvvu 4B41O I51 7000 Sq I OR RENT 1 jn rvpljent labor area This butlrt Ing Is exceptionally clean bright i snrinklererf and heated trucx level shipping facilities and paiklng for several cars: DOV CARWlurU EM 6H9I LIPTON REALTOR UPTON 215 VICTORIA BT Coxwell O'Connor SMART new etore bright and epeefoua with full basement Apartment available above Six Points t'lTRAMODIRN come store with full basement This bright epaclous location Is Just a 'stone's throw fromhe new Six Points shopping centre Phone today for details or Sale Kin? Near Spadina COMPETfXy renovated 3 no cy build inc tuDy fenanted oil heated annual Income $5400 A good investment priced right for quick calc WATTAM EM 6 392) Chambers Meredith LIMITED REALTORS 24 KING ST WEST EM 6 1921 Motel Service Station IS MINUTES HIGHWAY 530000 cash bandies: thia beautiful 3 year old property designed as complete service unit features mod ern restaurant seating 55 5 rooms modern living quarters: hot water oil heated 6 modern motel units separate hot water oil heating provision for 12 more units Modern service station with celling air condltlaned oil heating unit hydraulic lift Por lurthcr information on this exclusive listing can MR HASTINGS WA 4 J761 OlCEi 1172 BAY ST AT BLOOR GIBSON BROS REALTORS 357 BIT ST EM 3 0683MR CRAWORD ARM' I ARM located in Bradford Marsh Land 20 acres 5 room bungalow ail machin ery city conveniences Thltt Is one of live beet farm deal in Ontario ull price $14500 with $5500 down fill Mr Stevens WA 4 7121 CARSON Lin REALTOR 490 COLLEGE STREET lOOOOO' timber ued 2x6 4x4 6x6 8x12 etc 7 trusses 40 clear span AIL KINDS GE NEW ANO IStD 1 1 'Mill It AND Bl ILDING SUPPLIES 1 1095 STRATH AVE STOP 5 LAKE SHORE CH 8 3346 DIAL OPERATOR MTlilTBSTnlNrausetr TOILETS new used Priced for you SI ELL plpex threaded Lowest prices KADIATORS culverts cast iron pipe fl SHOWER ceblneta special low price IITTINGS brass copper and iron Abai Plumbing Supplies 46 Berkeley EM 6 1382 Open Saturday all day DOORS 2 pair second hand wood and glees overhead garage doorx good condi tion Apply cn job 1 883 Yonge St CEMENT SANDrSRAVEC A better price ou your building re Oulremante EM 8 1652 any time 'tlL grades of sand gravel and'crusMd atone weeping and glased tile concrete blocks and Canadian clay brlekx Ten Test gynrot! lath etc Small orders burnemalt Clll 9 1 9 1 Al gravel pit run sand gradeo atone road graveli east end OR 1126 7 7 Mu in i ui BATIIILB like new with new fittings and some plumbing $35 Jack 01 6843 "mt TPRINIS designed InrhHlrtaL resldentlah PL BLL LPKINT piaoir rpiiurvlci $5 up GL 8355 RL 7012 HA 0841 BU EPRLNTS drafting stock pTans $5 Up work guaranteed WA 1 4444 BRICKS Canadian clay red or mix colored prompt HU 8 8613 uilhNT blocks' 1000 reduced for qulcksale sacrifice CL 1 5823 INDI US 3yarda placed to your convenience GR 8462 1 CRT MILD White stjrie $3 25 a ton brick 5 l87l 1 uUNDity slag large load cheap ex cellent baeejlor drjvewaye LO 4271 GAItA'GES 10x20? built compllte $555 1 2x20 overhead doots red green or Hue mot siding or Imitation brick $255 PL 5 2761 'inKUHOARIi 7c 316" Sr 1" 90 i Hor olfbiirnrr automatic controls as new must sell KE 3366 Li'MMR 2x4" 5o ft 1x6" 6c ft Plywood 8 Ho fl I ma sonlfe Open until 6 Saturday until 5 King Lumber 546 Richmond EM JB3306 UMBLK iff new" 2x4" any ft ahoatUiu most 12" 575BM floor ing 1x5 5c fl Open 7 7 Sat until 6 Buehnten Lumber Co ree delivery 865 JEMtern jAve HA 5883 Ll Ml'Ell all new for tale 2x4 12 14' length5e JL JHUJ OJV keg: paint $279 gallon mastic rubber linoleum plartl wall sooustta tils arborlte etc Mercentlle 241 Queen 'W EM 8 885' TTIXfi goo3 usable ptnea'and fittings? cut and threaded to sue Globe scrapMetal Co 158 Eaatern EM 4 7983 It GOD all kinds sanded or'rough exterior or Interior small and large stock sixes nr cul Io else and anape Cupboard doors drawers Veneers Open saturdaya until tern city de livery Plywood Bliop rear 142 Daren port WA 19505 ItElililNtl evirthlna so3? lumber radiators furnace steel beams oil tanks electrio stores etc Superior kND excavation wanted" lir city "or suburbs Oil 1361 STORM windows and x56" new condition reasonable rl 7 1549 i eKIl pipe? ell Bleu used I beams ail alire Llntela cut Superior iron and Met al 4 1 5ComstoekRd 1 white" crusht'ritnnr send gravel pit run: Inw prices good aervice OR 4762 JU 7451 evgs OICE SPACE OR KENT 22003 sq ft 2 floors and basement Good office and showroom space reason able rent central passenger and freight elevators September possession 6(00 sq It Yonge Dundaa district second floor good office apace down town early possession reasonable rental 2S00 sq ft Danforth Woodblne dis trict second floor excellent natural light will decorate available In October 141 iq fl and 740 sq ft first class Bey St office building all services par titions Immediate possession 5 yesr lease $375 sq ft 2000 sq new building second floor Queen at McCaul excellent natural light lease arranged reason able rental TORONTO DAILY STAR i7 arm Sale Rent 42 Wed Sept I 1854 Wanted 125 ACRE BEAUTIPL large bank bl stabling allo 8 room brick house mod ern throughout 2 seres nt bush won derful soil good fences pavement Cai Mr 6111s LT 806): evgs JU 5128 MAPLE 100 ACRES ALL workable land tram house 7 rooms hydro bank barn on the high way achools chur city delivers ser vice all nosieMion Call Harvey Usher LT 8061 Herb Sills Real Estate 2473 EGLINTON LY (Oil BEWDLEY ONTL RICE LAKE 100 acres every foot workable ack nowledged the beat In the district large excellent barn with 2 smaller ones kcod fruit orchard beau home overlooking lake $14 000 With' cash will handle All livestock Imp cntcnte aid furniture could also be purchas'd Seeing thu farm would be sufficient to convince any potential buyer Act quickly for this one Phone or write SCHARE REALTOR 639 ST CLAIR LU 61(1 OR SALE 15000 Sq Majn St Weston I storey building of brick atad stucco rtictton Locatloa af fords good advertising ard ccrvrrt ent distribution to c'y and prov Ircll points Excel tool natural dght tMl traneportaUon and park ing Exclusive Hating Call OR RtNT 5300 Sq College St Downtown ETION ILLY choice px suit light manufacturing or ware houaln ewceUrtU oltke good shipping: a apot of prertlge Ex clusive listing Call Wheaton 5000 Sq SEMI bMemwiH eelllng eprltUt lered heated centra' location Im mediate swalon or further par tlcularx call rescn 6000 Sq A (fN'GLE storey new factory building of verv lat st design ter efficient operation and Attractive" appear ante faces 401 highway in north eM Exwtent advertising value 38 fl spans truck KoTlon Jn 61000 Sq YORK STREETS CHOICE ground f'oor space facing Royal York hotel 2000 ft at tractive office 4 000 ft tprink lered warehouse 14 ft celling ex cellen shipping off private lane JmmedUte Photo co CUI Wh ion 5t200 Sq Ground loor TRUCK levol shipping beautiful bright space walls and ceiUng pajtered throughout concrete floors Cold storage spare can ho included if desired Would be Ideal for laboratory operation processed food requiring cold storage space Possession Oct I Rental $550 per month Including heat and property taxes Ask for Hodgkins Jarvis St Near King 9000 Sq rnotjNji floor ypacf larsi drive in door heavy concioU fiorr hizh Locallon nd buildlnr ideal for auto body repair motor trin port vUrmdnial storage of heavy werchandiee etc Reasonable rent Immediate powe einn Photo co opwtMve lUtn Call Herb Morris OR SALE OR RENT 12000 Sq 1 loor 60c Sq Net ATTRACTIVE OICES EXCEL! ENT Goon TR INSPORTXTIONO STREET I'tRKING RAIlWtY SIDING EACH HIES HEAVY JOO II SPRAT BOOTH ETC CtlL LLOYD HOME EVGS JU 3374 Shortill Hodgkins Ltd INDUSTRIAL department MA nil 9 Horses Live Stock Poultry Baby Clicks A single horse traiier for rent RO 342L 45(3 heavy for sale Informa tion phone 854 Whitby IL CHICKS al bargain prices while they last Hon sexed New Hampshire Black Australorps Red Rock Rhode Island Red $13 95 per hundred Assorted breeds $1295 pullets New Hamps Black Austritorp New Hamp Light Sussex Bed Bock $1395 per hun dred assorted breeds $12 95 assorted heavy breed cockerels $1 195 per hun dred THiniLE CHICK HATCHERIES Tin ITRGUS oni riT of tackroom awnings new and used forward seat Jumping saddles Western Engdsh and army saddles hackney har ness roadster harness Houghton sulky horse sheets coolers riding bridles Even thing for every type of horse Low est prlces in Canada Gilbert 1109 Col lege flomino show horse 4 venr ojd sac" rttlce to good home OL 7 1 32 STARTED chicks in limited quantities also some day olds: prompt shipment Order your October November chicks now Ask us for prices and particulars Bray Hatchery airbank eed: 2385 Dufferin St phone OR 6805 WELSH pony mare quiet for children to ride or drive sell or exchange for larger one 578 Burnamthorpe Rd Islington YOVNIJ 'DUCK WHITE 8 10 weeks old Phone or writs Export Packers L'd 377 Manning WA 3 "i Homcsi Cottages Garages EXCHHfVE CANADIAN DIRTRIBC OBS 81 RAND 8TEL OVERHEAD DOORS SEE Canada's largest display of prefabricated buildings at 1345 Dufterln 3t 2 blocks south of Davenport OPEN EVERY WEEK DAY VE TO 9 SATURDAY TO 4 PM st'NNiniLT ritrfiB priiditts ltd 1343 DUE! ERIN KE 8587 JOING AXYAI lEHSriONS? SI581 U3 OR ALL Bteea'uMd lumber doors windows bi Irks and used baths badoa toilets colored and whl NEW kitchen sinks single and double dram boards RADIATOR and pipe MOS'I alx steel beams angles etc NEW Ten Test and plywoad panels fir rdy panels partitions part glass and solid OPEN ILL DIV SATURDAY WICKETT SALVAGE CO 955 EASTERN AVE 01 7233 18 Mortgage Loan A EOT I you have $750 Merit will lend loti up to $1500 to buy a home 3 0939 MERIT INANCE 641 VONGl ST WA 2 3484 HOWTO own a HOMT hllORT 01 DOWN rAVMNI SEE Buptrior'i hnm ownff pUn4 mTErniu hnanct 23 7 0 wn JM jy 97 Want Quick Results? MORTGAGE arranged on ell types of property Mohawk Insurance Agencies ttd 2436 Yonge MA8542 funUs it 1st and 2nd mortgagee WA 3 8341 and second mortgages no bonus I week's servlet Ralph areenitetn IlEdfern 989 Alin INGE your mnrteoeo with Mr llxlT? Toronto General trusts wa A 44a "all cash and i nvr tnm 11 BAHIl IE rill has elisnU' funds for flraT second or temporary builder's morttagsa 3M 6 2093irvM OX 1423 Bn10iR MORTGAGLI BUT we will lend you money on ll BL'PEKIOR INANCE EM 6 30S7 WWHWIRWni Iiiwfci iiieiioi ti CASH for your mortgseeil Building loans: fast service: no fees OL 389 1 IRSTTnd mortgagei pureha 'd? Several clients with $500 to $15000 for the purchasa of first and second mermgea smell or largo Prompt and confidential service Edward Roberts Real BstalGj Roncasvsliea LY 2020 lRvy Rn ircond for builders and others We bur and sell end real Clanry Broker LA 6677 OL 8871 nRV oletning plant In ewpnwtin the Bathurst Lawrence district In operation for only 2 months Business has all machinery re flfl qulred for operating modern dry in cleaning plant plus a 1954 truck owner moving west pCM Mr Grepn 2283 lONtE ST Ml Q49) BOOMING Cottinghem 11 rooms long lease beau tiful Immediate possession $3500 nanaieR a BOOMING house contents Queen Bath urst 7 roomie income over $200 month Z' J616 Immediate possession $1 000 full price co ten to Weilesley Yonxe ideal home and Grocery Business B'ldg B4THURRT ST CMIlt OWING to ill health have been ln xm" nshborhood store th bnut '500 Sown Bpotless 5 rooms detached hot water heated garage and paved lane Don't miss out Aek for Mr Bert BEAL I'SItTE I TO 1643 EGLINTON AVE RE jui Hill chairs equipped lockup Space In back for beauty parlor Rent $1 25 per month with 5 year lease Ask for Mr Morion RU 1 4688 Harry Boyce Broker $2500 down or may trade? ream and snack bar finest corner location doing $700 complete equipment for making and selling les cream valued at $6 500 alone ull price only $10000 Apply any time Mr Moffat 3252 Yonge 8tToronto Letters answered nnocmv" and'jiutcufb' business $8000 full price large modern store turnover $1450 weekly 6 year lease low rent Call Mr Spellman OU 4251 Morris Adams Ltd Realtors HU NTS VILLE" CABIN "BUSINESS" $7800: 8 cabins laundry storage shed stand living quarters fully equip ped power mower bods bedding eta $3500 wiU handle Ideal for motel ALEX GODDARD REALTOR 496 Hl'N'MMinr RD LY MU 5184 mm $12000 down garage and service station: good west end location fully equipped excellent opportunity for someone Call Mr Koller Wrn Bendena Realtor LA" 7570 OPPORTUNITY I BATH! 'RS IIGI1NTON AREA Owner Will Consider All Offers $33900 Store 2 apartments and ga rage Possession nf store and I apart ment Phone Mr Bromberg RE 1 156 Barry Perlmant Realtor North Kings way Store for' rent ONE nf the best locations In Toronto any 'high class business especially a good restaurant or food business Near the corner of Royal York Rd 4281 Dun nae bi see owner ig qszb YONGE ST fOMEMENTIY located on Yonge at opposite Hosedale Station This 500 sq It store rpdflrnrafprf in umir rhnir nf heat water supplied $135 monthly' Crown Trust 06 EM 8 3861 SHOPPING CENTRE LAWRENCE Ave VIctoria Park Ave openings for bakeshop shoo store variety store clothing lines etc Ken Wallace BrokerJJL 11 1 1 Pl 5 32 1 4 OUE'EN AND ONTARIO CORNER store with modern 7 room dwelling for rent nice front oil heat ing excellent enndltion287jQuow8t DOWNSTAIRS sto shoe repair clean $75 heated 2043Avcnue Rd OR rent store 24'x80?" with basement" Church St 8 doors above Queen EM 3 5851 or your agent OR rent "large store Avenue Bd 3 blocks above Bloor at Davenport park ing lacillLes EM' 3 5851 after 5 MO 5066 IOCK up xtors for rent at 3324 Dundnr or informaUon call LY 9130 NEW store' nr rent In new shop ping centre next supermarket: Georgetown terms TRIangle 7 3360 NEW store fo rent suitable7" for 'drug or canfcctlonery etc st Clair near tyll 5 3471 OAKVilJE store and tern? porarllt situated on 65' 75' lot right In town on main street Big opportunity tor icw building beside store on the lot $50000: $23000 down Dial Oper aior Vt 4 3761 6 7 pm only for large offices commercial dancing studios or clinic rea rent exclusive agent Call Cy Harry Rotenberg Realtor MA A fli tCTll office space tor rent special reduced price for dependable lease 23 Wellington al Bay EM 3 951 7 658 SpidlniTAve 2 bright offices? 2nd floor for rent HA Grcnyille '2 offices nrstiidtos? 300 sq ft 4W ft to let parking available WAM040 10 4 in nAY Bloor ft also single offlcepvklng Included WA 2 6246 BA Rickmond furnished office for rent professional person EM 8 2783 Ill Var ily: first ciias otflcel available 400 and 600 sq It at $2 25 pxrklng WA I OILIGE St George small ground floor office $40 free parking EM 3 4242 CGLilGE near Grace St ievel office" suitable tor profeaslonelman LA4497 coiiNHlt coxwelBGetrJrd "front office suite tor rent 430 sq Jl COXWUJ Ooiinor modern offices "to lent OX 9695 EL5 l9RLitisr6 DK md seerrtirlal sirvlce conference room Many extras mith and Black Ltd 226 Bly SI EM 4 7411 DOW row flee spar's for rent 400 to 500 sq ft janitor elevator service vault: reasonable EML3 948I DOWNSTAIR offices "suit "doctors' aernto $75heatrd2043 AyenueBd I 11 IN loN Oakwond? spa "designed tor doctors dentists or chiropractors All facilities RO 4987 for particulars 2" large roonuT klteheMtle and bathroom Ideal for commercial purposes light on 2 sides parking fa cilities Avenue Rd 3 blocks above HlhorMmmMlsie possession EM 3 585L JOB rent onus "space Call" MrPrue W5 4 3108 or come dlicct to 23 IHnnr 6t JANU BIoor first floor office epacTTn let approximately 380 sq ft no 4Q88 or no 27i8 (IM rid RD victoria riffles light msnufsrt'irlng mare $45570 mnnlh Mov rishi in EM 4 1964: evgs em 8 9165 OIKE spire tii reni in bank chambers ootner Queen Bpadtna 4 room suite newly decorated approximately 730 sq fl $80 month: also other ettlea ap proximately 300 aq I' $45 month convenient parking EM 4 6902 and cold ltl good loratlnn'jreMonable MAJI187 OrrKli'for Kinm 'ali eonyenlenees EM 3 6076 6EA( uToiT'reiit business? wa I I43L W'AMin small building large garage or shirs spare west end CH 1 7864 OR RENT 3 AIHLUnE XOUTHEA3T romer of Yonge and Ade laide ATTROXIMArtlT 800 ni ft MODERN NEWLY DECORATED COULD be used for any of the following: Gt NERAL OICE ACCOUNTANT' OI I IS SAMPLE ROOM COMMIT TEE LIGHT MANUACTURING WILL DIVIDE SPACE LEASE or monthly $90 per month PHONE ME 1166 or EM 6 4542 2 private adjoining offices and secre tarial apace alr condltloned acoustic celling in modern new office building urnished If desired Remainder of office occupied by firm of charteredetotYflEMi3 61 01 2 modern 450 so fk janitor service $40 and $75 monthly EM 6 Lt 24 1000 ft Bloor near 5 rooms could convert into offices WA 2 7372 i20d" sq ft office space new build ing Can be arranged to suit tenant College Bathurst district EM 8 6165 before 5 3000 sq ft all orTseeond floor office or light manufacturing 2 washrooms heavy floor reasonable rent or best otter accepted Will subdivide OL 7565 $55 Nice bright o'fflce central also small basement workshop Apply 1112 rond8LMf4 498L $30 per month email office over Curry's Art store 756 Yonge near Bloor 14 Lodge and Assembly Hall to Let and Wanted ARE you planning dance banquet ding reception social fl evenings oto1 We can accommodate '25 800 people PA System CH I 9979 CH 1 7967 15 Business Opportunities BOKIVKO BEO8 LTIX MOVERa girE ETORAGB EXPERT St PfGI hLTTi movhif any'uirTe reasonabtoT 163808 BRI DI 8 itorage" load to from Kirkland Lake Sudbury Montreal Windsor Halifax on ronin BeasonablS rales HA 7942 evgs 4874 1 CARTAGE moving service anywhere any time reliable Harvey 8 3351 (LARK'S Cartage and night GErrard 0574 liollMAAL Cartage truck br hour day rubblah removed IZ 77 1 3 Ji 1 RIES Light Cartage roomepa baggage day or night WA 4 2890 JOHN and ranks Cartage tos'uiTi? moving experienced men RI 5471 MAN with lais modal truck 5 ordT I tons tor mnrtnx oariage csU Xd! rkf METRO Cartre and moving eontrirta invited HU 9 2083 MOI ING of apjillancaa 'etc eontrerta Invited Saeltlild Truck Ing HO 4262 MOVING snywiura any Ums GS9143' Clarke Cartage for service Momvgt pe Cartage" a timr con tract wo rlr tqv 1 ted LA 9 59 RELIAhtB manmovi furniture in or out ct town A White WAJ 7549 STOIC IG' 6000 ft nnheat ed nil nd floor easy cree yard epr available 245 rarllsmnl EM 4 045 Queensway Near Market 25000 sq It nearly new one floor plant Just off Quernsway fl near Humber This properly with two street frontages land tor expansion and splen did executive elfices Advertis ing value can be had from both Queen Elisabeth and The 11 way cisscsalon 90 days Contrail Ground loor0000 sq it with railroad aiding facilities entirely Sprinklered with 10 offices on second floor Could be had In three months al attractive sale or rental price Suitable for heavy manufacturing or storage space Carline passes door O'Connor Drive 20000 4q ft Cholc ample Ktnrey pnt (built in 1949) tn 1ht prestlpfi Industrial area Heavy rlf'Hrlcal Installations Already Installed Tosses slnn immedHtetv OR RENT WESTON AREA B000 sq ft ground iivoi plane win os tour weeks Truck ing facilities 1O' offices Sprinklers fl Make annolntmenl Better Class Storage 33000 sq ft available In north west section In new building serviced with railroad1 snd truck level shipping Sprlnklered Immedlafs posseuion LYONS LTD 1 ITR 3 6 1 9J OB rent? 5t)'b sq fl fsetory or office space second floor Immediate posses slon 218 John St OR rent up to ft to suit? reasonable warehouse storage manu facturing Etobicoke RO 4662 tpproxlmateiy 300 sq ft and 1200 sq ft suit up holster storage light manufacturing or sign and display Immediate OR t30 KING Bpadini dlstrietT 3 storev" build ing approximately 3000 sq ft toll basement sale or rent Sultsiile tor llsht manufacturing: Hower and Dominion Electric protection EM 3 92L rvr A 0283 PAItKDAI district tor rent? sturdy brick building 2 floors and basement previously used as a testing laboratory Ideal shipping farlllttcs and storage snare Liberal 8000 sq ft of factory space 1000 sq ft garage nr storage spsre plus 3500 ft of perking space or appointment rah purchasing agent Canadian standards Association CH4 255 1 SEAtK for welding ip? proximately 1500 a ft HO 3331 WAN I Between 276b0 300bsq ft? for body shop OL 3664 until 5 after 6 ME 3788 tVANltD to buy house suitable "for waiehouaei OMlngton Dupont College Call any ttaeME 4155 WELDING shop wanted? 1000 eq suitable space west suburbs option to miy EM 6 0882 downtown Vicrbiiv 2 storey factory modern fully equip ped plus considerable area valuable land for expansion $45000 with reasonable rash easy terms Insport and mike offer GR 2)86 Nell Cordon Realtor roitr 2 storey factory 4200 sq It plus some land CNR and CPR close to everything Aaking $20000 but dim Invited Must be sold OR 2136 Nell Cordon Realtor LtWItSCE RAHWAY MD1NG 432 ft frontage fully serviced alle developed industrial location close to transportation and accessibility to hlth ways or further Informetfon call Bob Itowatt WA 4 6261 George Biro Realtor space Bpailtii? suliaMe tor storage or light manufaetur I 200 sq ft factory apace nrw buW mg Can ba arranged to still teoxnt Colleg Bathurst district EM 8 6165 before 5 10000 icetTwSrehnuse rent enrlnklerod heated bv nil will 32 Market Bt corner Colborne RE 971 2 $10000 full price gaaTstitTon sito on corner of Danforth Rd permit already to build approved bv township Mr Davidson Cl Crrs Raltov OX 3105' 12 Stores Sale Rent A Wanted A large store for rent comfortable apartment above Excellent bUsl tmsJ location 1 1 7 Harbord St AT Weston Rd and 5 rooms solid brick on heat newly decorated suit shoe store millinery barber etc: $4000 down balance $8900 Private Make offer RU 3473 a AVINUi: modern "2" wtndnvtore suit any type business equlnned tor offices rL5 141Vevgs or ogJ6 hlMllil I modern itore 969 Avenue Rd near Wilson double window com pletelx tlnished Interior Including win dow displays lights mastlo flooring rear partition to ull basement heat ed good business block $160 monthly EM 6 4948 large renl modem front: amt any builneis Vaeint WA 3 01 29 fOKMil next to iuner chain OctTTl7i hmled Sox 4352 Star DANOilTII Ave "al" Victoria Park? store 18x50 full tiasciseut washroom partitioned Excellent real estate or prote10MljMUa OX 522j Dot H( fit Itofiam atom forrsnt 14 115' good tor bakery OL 8945 REAL ESTATE LIMITED TAN ADA'S LARGEST REALTOR 1 8HERRIN Broiler 74Colleg LUNCH counter factory hours 8 to 5 cpporlunct to add tex lunches 1 $950 takes all bargain ISH and chip business $400 woeklyj 1 rent $65 only $1500 down ISH and chip lunches west and rooms good lease sickness forces saL $2000 down bargain TOBACCO confrctlonery $500 weqiy 4 rooms $75 rent $2500 down GROCERY cooked meats 5 roonw190 rent good lease 52000 down grocery conked meats $800 rent $60 good lease sickness orcas sale $3000 down bargain SNACK bar open kitchen fsetr 7 dis trict 2 rooms $2000 down LUNCH counter Queen 22 rent $80 3 rooms good IRse only $1 500 down act quickly SHERR1N Broker WA ARCADIA LOOGE Lodge 6 2 romed sleeping cabins I 4 roomed aleepug cabin Just completed laundry wltf 2 bedrooms recreation hall octagon all gyproced Inside and newly paint'd in and out 7 boats tor outboards 1 canoe I launch 25 hp outboard wIer sports equip ments skis etc 2 oodllghted shuffle board courts I court just com pleted kiddles' tutfii new bedding mattresses etc ait over 4 years old soma new lodge laundry completely equipped as going concern Open until Labor Day Call or writs Harold Wal llx Box 145 Hintsv'lle Si'uated Mary Lake Hunfsvlte Reason 1 tor selling accidental deahs 1 AND POOL ROOMS WANTED' WK bsvr clienls with amp! funds 1rt tarested la the purchase of bowlinsf alleys 1 and pooltnoiss Contact Mr Offman In our offlefian expert in that branch 1 EM 43161 OR EM 6 1191 ZIPTON REALTOR UPTON EVILDIXG 215 VICTORIA ST HOTEL Partner Wanted 1 PARTNER must have $63000 cash for purchase of $80000 imlt gallonage not In Hamilton PHASE refer to ad A75 CALL JOHN MILLER HOT Lt ANALYST 5 II GILLS REALTOR SriTC 102 19 MELINDA ST CALI EM 3 2761 EM 3 3545 ORffCETERI'A" I WELL located east end same owner 25 1 years rettong turnover $2000 weekly fixtures nd business $7500 stock at 1 Invoice terms 'DRUGSTORE WEST end corner turnover yearly complete with stock $10000 haf cash low rent b'rJev bhown broker 69 YONGE EM 8 4404 OR RENT OUTSTINDING IOCAIION Umversity Adelaide Area 15000 sq ft around flonr office showroom and warehouse with good ahiphinv and adjacent parklna OPTIONAL rental value MJMH GIBSON BROS DATS 3 0485: H'ng tt oysjq Uli iliiir or Sale 1 5 sines OppCi tunitiea TOBACCO confeetton shelf grocery? no competition $600 increasing low rent goad lease uavy stock This la an opportunity (A a couple with $2000 cash at lt! Everything going concern axtrojo TRI CK with carti license 49 tan jroorf aha nt Torab KM L'KANIL'M projl'tles lor sila Blreh Island BC 62 aflolnln Rex spar Uraniumxcellent showing Apply Surface Uran ium Byndlca' '012 Victoria St Kara toopsB USED carlo fully equipped central location 7 rent WA 2 0474 WIN'TEU working partner with $1 500 ca11 lOO'e returns guaranteed or inrmation write Lion's Head Tree Llonjijhadont 4 on tocatlon earnitj Il Of weekly $600 down WA 2 Q3? YEA round Income of per week ini over assured tor a full or part time nr $b000 Investment required In oude your phone number Box 4003 far INDUSTRIAL LAND DUETtlN HIGUHAY 401 with house 3 acres with brick bungalow Sl acre clear level land0 x250' facing highway WILLOWDALt GREENlELD 70 x120' excellent earner tot NIMMO EM 8 7681 EVG OR 5732 CHARTERED TRUST COMPANY 34 KING 8T WEfcT IT 40 LOTS ETOBfCOKE everything I 1 it $4000 Cail Bud Muir BE 1 1131 Muir Ltd Real Estate 4972 Dundas Bt 20 BLTIDINO LOTI NBA approved" roads water Build at nnre $1800 per lot Call Mr Goodman HU 1 5638 TRADER REAL ESTATE TTO 1572 AVENUE RD RU 1 5638 iiaki ii 'ao iT frontaae on Colborne Bt good location for store apartment or stores half down Dial Operator VI 4 3761 6 7 only APARTMENT I AND ROADS water and sewers fully paid tor Jane and Wilson $750 per mite in cludra plans and permits ALSO residential lots Call Mr Kurin SAM KOHAHA REAL ESTATE1757 IGI IN ION AVE HL HE 6156 TtOEGl Hin'arei" close 'to 2 highway oniy 51100 Call Mr Marks GE 1 178 Ken Wiles Realtor Utnono choice house ints water and made In $1900 12500 each PL 5 2 162 "why worry about your vacant la'S? That's my ustnesa Smith Real tor MA 1137 3 Choice fully serviced lots available for Immediate building $3800 per lot Plana permits sewers start digging today Call now Mr Kalles ROY REAL STATE JLT1VV A 3 1J97 IO wiltowdaie good mortgage areas BA 1 3487 inlay son Real Estatc sTart In your own home Pay as you go along $2100 full price repayable over 3 years Duf ferln WUson location Don't wait Call Mr Martin A Christian Ltd 1847 Avrnue Rd RE 6J08 tSOO with water main: easy terms Stnith RealtorMAl 137 i $2500' toll "price building lot SlWlO' I pavtd streets conveniences St Clair I O'rinnnor Morrison Heatlor WA 3 6279 i citolce iol'' a rage and breexeway Has hydro and I water 215 Bellamy Rd Scarboro 1 in i ini 1 1 i 3 ninniai nV 6 Building and Supplies SUNNIBILT 16 Business Opportunities Wanted Contract Wanted financed anpralsST Confidential Business attorney 19 years OKA 1SS Broker 2CqlIeje A 2 7703 CANNING facilities or small "canning plant In Toronto wanted for lease or rub contract Complete Information to Box 4427 Sts BUSINESSf?" WANTED CLIENT with $10000 cash desires con fectionery or grocery others want to buy hardware snack bar motels gen eral stores service stations BUSINESS Brokerage Dept WA 4 6607 A arllngerReal Estate Ltd752A Yonga DllY clarrlng business" wanted to buy tor cash Please give full particulars Box 4429 Star ciGtn store srrTn lists We Can Sell Your Store This Cell EEAL BROKER WA 3 0995 GAS station wanted to renETir lease? Box 4188 Star UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY $40000 Ill health forces proprietor or this flourishing business to lay aside expansion plans and to seek another climate To be sold lock stock end barrel Build ing embraces plant offices and show rooms may be leased or purchased Jn Toronto BUSINESS comprises custom metal manufacturing of home end Institutional components In great end Increasing demand PROPRIETOR willing to lemaln tor a period nf up to 6 months tn hand over exlrtlng dlstrlbul Ion designs and manu facturing process INORMATION In confidence from Nell Cordon to bona fide enquirers only OR Neil Coroon Realtor CAR market In the heart of Woodstock Asphalt paved lot 54' 75' will accom modate about 25 cars garage for general repairs 04 sign across front Jias been doing a thriving business tor 6 years An Ideal location for any business enter prise Office? attached to bungalow House has 3 bedrooms large living room modern kitchen and bathroom: full base ment recreation room 14' oa heated urniture may also be pin chased Small down paymant oner business interests Must sell Immediately Contact owner Nellis Queen Bt Bt Marys or phone 8t Mans 383 Woodstock 2663M 1 REAL ESTATE AOVIRUHR und 'jo with Bciind eattte is desir cus of opening no offk and uuhes to contact party abb invest $2300 in tuch a btiBlneas a excellent deal available for rtftht rirty Box 4229 ftar ruit Grocery $1800 weekly turnover good district In west end modern equipment long established mney maker with apart ment above store irst time offered CA AAA dnw With ffflrtfl Will COI1 Sider selling building Box 207 Star Popular Piano Studios REAL opportunity tor someone Interest ed to teaching es rntmlcal vocation 4 stitooswelting room: central location ive clientele Will Instruct buyer Box 472? Sier Children's Wear Store REST location In Toronto Must aelt owner has other In rests Small capital required Apply Tots tn 394 Eghnton next tn EKlinton' theatre HU 4P68 evgs ANTIQUES STORK for rent with option to buy stork rent $200 faonthly 2 fUU above store eenarate entrance leaving country A rodVcollision THRIVING business hilly equipped Ex cepllnnaHy pond location downtown a reft EM 3 4 482 MA 4 306 CIGAR STORE' COMPIETE with good fixtures $1600 and terms 229 Carlton St i rilNCIl't OUNTr'i OR RENT ALL equipped 3 room living quarters Queen St lease arranged EM 8 52i2 SKI RY and dellcarsen business? specialising in fine domesilo and Im ported foods ully equipped well established prosperous business situat ed In I of North Toronto's best shop ping districts Reasonable rent with good lease 4 roomed apartment sepa rate entrance ull price $13000 in cludes $2500 stock: $8500 caeh re quired Box 4371 Star BEAUTY salon of" tor sale? fully equipped excellent clientele Rhone Barrie BODYMAN for running shop on" tom? mission basis or partnership EM IM141 BOX lunch truck? route" stock "and equipment Store lease ull pree KE 5960 BUSY east end location completely equipped excellent turnover Ione tease low rent low down payment call Mr erllto MA 04 1 1 KU a Instate Rl ICHEIC and grocery equipment apartment rented $100 monut 7 large rooms for owner good family trade $9000 cash will handle Ineluding stock MrConkey Bro ker 62 LautorAve LOJ995 but in new shopping centre 620 Trethewey CIGAR wore good downtown "location? iron uflua fl I'ti ANINO tallor store and rqnlpmrnt with 7 ronm house aemt detarhsd to let 968 Gerrard Bt before 7 pm CLEANING iaundry'busi? ness for sale OR 7520 DRIVING aennnL 1 ear goodlientele? steady work RE 8252 COEE shop and variety store well established good Income $3600 plus stork 1340 Leks Shore ltd Lome Prk CONfCTI0NrRVbuslncsa and build Ina Jane Annetfet 7 room buoitelow with a'ore to front Bul't to accommo det 2 tsmltos pluc bessm nt apart ment hot water hestinx private drlra and garage About $6000 down Hera la vour Income plua modern living MaeanReal Estate MILj6542 CON8TRI TION? with highly skilled attd exoertanmd person nel wanta capital to expand Box 219 1 Industrial Space Stores Sale Rent Wanted AST LOANS 'o i funds on hand IRST and second mortgage loans on rw Properly IRST and second mortgages pur rha fd at low discount without fees mortgage too small or too large VALUATION OR OTHER EE CHARGED UNLESS I DAN JS ARRANGED Samuel Smith Son Ltd 901 BAY WA 4 57311 KVG LA (97C Mortgage Money To Loan LOWEST CURRENT RATI GUARANTY TRUST COMANT CANADA UP1RI 1 3351 UNTiMITED UNDS I IR8T and Breon Mortgages Arrange or Sol All Tvnro of rronrrlr and Uo unds Invite lor Investment RON LIMON AND ASSOCIATE 43 VICTORIA ST 1 OROMO ESI 8 1138 AUER 6 HU 9021 OR MB MILLER WA 1 2017 my niwnia im $500 $500000 1st 2nd fa 3rd Mortgages PURCHASED AND ARRANGED MR 1 A SOLNIK 394 BAY ST EM 4 9527 MGS RE 8640 LI AND'CO? 169 YONGE ST MORTGAGE SPECIALISTS IRST and second mortgages and building loans arranged UNDS ON NO DE! AY EM 3 7921 1 VG WA 2 8485 MERIT'S LOANS $50 TO $2000CASH SAME DAY Offlr Ifntirx 9 tn 30 Dally Tne Thur Even 7 9 Knt 1 A riendly Understanding Loan Com pany That Haa Assisted Thousand of Canadian Citizens Investigate Qur Plan HOW' TO OWN A HOME II' You Have $750 Merit Will Lend You un io to uuv a noine CAR LOANS $50 to $2000 on Your pre ent Car to Buv One Caah Same Day URNITURE LOANS Sfffl to SI (100 Loaned flame Dav CONSOLIDATED LOANS Us Have All Your Bills Have One Payment Only Redtire Payment to Half MERIT INANCE CO 641 Yonge St? WA 3 0939 2Btoj'l" ftojuh Hlaor WA 2 348 NEED MONEY AST? $100 TO $2500 CARS lRNrCRB DOME 'iMROVE MLNTS (III ANY I Stl I UltroSE Consolidate Your Debts GET YOUR BILL TOG1 fHLB IV WILL TAY T1IEJI Bl TING A HOME WE WILL LOAN YOU Vk THE DOWN PAYMENT VICTORY INANCE 414 BAY IRST 1 VI 3 1021 VUtt LA A2u Millions or' Mortgages IRST AND SECOND MORGAGIIB ARRANGED BOUGHT AND SOLD SHOUT TERM AND Bt LOAN UND AST SERVICE John Mack Co 6 3017 603 BAY ST EM 301 A GREENAWAY CO? BROKI REAL ESTATE MORI GAGES 169 YONGE 1 4 9454 IV LY 0111 MONEY to loan cu mortxaxea first and aeccnd mcrtxaaea bought and told 4 4599 martg'' 10n Cx I IMT and second mnrtgaga money citJLbroauburbaWA 2 5163 0' KounC JlU Money for first and mortgagiaT loans on mortgages and mortgages pur chased EM 6 5964 evgs WA 2 6902 AIONEV lor 1st and 2nd mortgages ranged or purchased Robinson 171 Yonge Bt EM a 7951 evgs HU 8 3023 I'RIVVIE mortgage of wantel Sjk8 xfr Jur lfi wd SEVERAL first mrir gages available immedla'ely BoUeltor EM 6 4641 MdiifGififs BOIK I1OR Has Trust Company unds al Low Prevailing Interest Rate aaiSprviee 11 Locke IM 4 523 Any Time Mortgage" Exchange if 90 Egllnton at Dufferin buy sell and arrange mortgages We will solve most of your mortgage problems call Mr Shepherd RE 441 4 RE 4448 RU 1 2203 Al'lLNTlON MOR'TGAGI Will sell that second mortgage at big discount? Loans made on mortgages Let the mortgaga payments pay for your MOn'B674 EM' 8 2 nD "tortgaire lot $5000 at' 6 will sell for $36OOCRg 8667 I tsi" 12 no bonns on preferred loans la metropolitan area Written approval to 48 hours Provincial Mortgage Service 221 Victoria EM 8 8675 MO 8674 evenings $430 0 second mortgage quarterly on solid brick 3 month old 6 ropm bungalow Lawrence Warden dls $3300 Edward LY 2020 bura'flrst "mortgage of repayable $60 quarterly plus 6 in larest 5 years Located Parliament Dundas Call WA 3 6334 $M0T for $65jo flrat'" $3000 second IVA 14413 LA 5344 "jsTti'oo second for 406 7 $8400 first tor $4900 North Toronto JOHN BQUAIIR llgnKHt OSf yyyj inancial WHY worry about your debts? No more salary leisures Ctedlt Service System can help you out of money troubles ot th debts you owe including loan companies department i stores finance companies lawyers houses ate Amounts up to $2500 Visit our offices Credit Srrvlca System 4J King VV phone 6 4933 or 6 Jamea st Hamilton JA 7 9266 Offices open riday night I until 8 30 20 Money Wanted require $1500 tor down payment on home Btetdily employed CL I 94 12 $100 immediately will pay 125 la 2 months securt ty La 5349 510000 required for 1st mortgage? Unionvilie House worth $22000 when finished OX 0672 21 Moving and Storage AND nWERS ANYTHING any time Reasonable retea Prompt srrvlcejpL J215 SCOTTY THE MOW RE trunks luggsga handled day and night 8 6227 Sherman Gl H4'5 10 tru'ks to ae va you moving etor 4je parcelde1lvery contracle wanted A beegage and'iunHturanovtog servheT any time rearnahla cilff WA 4 3280 A beftir cartage storage and moving?" Chalmera Cartage OL 5545 A 1 ton panel and 'J' 'ton etale' or11 "'WW rartMto Hoy WA 4 720 Al moving cartage ton psnel etake contracts Inylted Bob ME any tlnte L'm2'O63' ABIE movers tornltuie rrfrlgerstote storage Insured MeyeisJWX 2 7401 ANY time cal Csriage and Moving ILA 1C1 contracts invited ANY time call ihe careful mover? Insurance cartage storage RB 4692 AVAILARIB evenings 2 rue trucks tq ft factory with I2t clear epen Large overhead loading door "Hire end washrooms fully plastered suspended torced Ur heating with oil Close to Blrrhmount and Danforth Rd Good tranupoHatlnn Jda1 apace for operatjon Cash or terms CU Mr Oliphant MA 9195 ixnt ori ciMMntciAL ni vision George Hurst Realtor TORtCOKL Af rORY factory btilidlng on Kipling Ave office apace In front high ceilings oil heat room tor expansion RROWNRinGI AND f'G VLTOR8 16 TURHNTn ST tM' 4 7401: EVGS BE 1 2528 In former' Bell Tsper Bldg 1 rhorbe St corner Beverley reinforced concrete sprlnklered freight and passenger elevators suitable tor otice warehouse or manufacturing: reasonable rental Apply superintendent or BaM 4 0843 Golden Mile District LOT 140x280 etn be divided weter wA for' Ternu RJC Ion I12 Connor drtvLPIj V3876 vuiiiiw nr to the PV io invMliate our hulMlnw IrviM the flrrboro OoM tt Inw rate untl1 Belihton Ave thrnufhwxv nptne No rMtrleUone all tvpen power Mdinc ample parking inere nf ahort rna lean janitor and nteht phone an 4200 day nr night AT 328 floor front Oft S074 II A 1 ill RS xeeUent nianu fartiirint or narehoune Toueulon now 3200 leet loading platform eprlnklcr xyeUmi month em 41964 OLII'GE Lanedowne: for rent' arbouR arvprnvlmAtlly Immediate notaewfon KM 634152 DI NDAS Jxne IV frontage 103 ft deep flromncd house of Industrial value MU 2522 Dovikcoi RrTnGndM 4 mantifartorlng nr storage snare tor rent heated reunnshle tE 7656 RE 6370 iNDUbinhi nw" DLKRtN St Mar Bhennar storm TV1? Pave roads owner win build to suit tenant or 411 give long term leas on sites Call WA 3J964 ACffiRT for sslo or rent ft an 3 floors plus basemens: good shlpi lnf and receiving oil best elevator 21 ana 60 cystle WA 4 2 540 oil rent 50x42 anale storey building vrrv ikan concrete end Hied floore hrt month 30 AtcRowrts Ave £213 LOH rent approximately 1200 aq ft for light manufaoturlnr or atorMte Jtppte Howard Udlr' Wear WntOB Buin Opportunities SNACK bar North Toronto open kit chen new couple opportunity $3 000 town or offer Beats 30 GENERAL store north ot Bowman villa 116003 turns increasing Well ttabltshed $18500 terms GROCERY meets general store 100 miles north $1500 weekly turnover $10000 down balance terms CHINAWARE gifts Jewelry confec tionery Bunnyside district Modern Bore Large kitchen at rear ull price 55500 Including heavy stock TOBACCO confectionery sundries west end north of st Clair busy intersec 'Ion ull price $4500 Includtos heavy lock Low rent GROCERY confectionery 3 large rooms Reasonable rent ull price $3500 Terms GltOCLRY confectionery business and proprrty corner west end store 6 ooms garage run price 515500 Only4500 down plus stock AKAUTY salon end barber shop excel ant northwest location no competition 4 rnom modern apartment A bargain $6500 half cash long leaae VEST end confectionery milk bar 5 room apartment $2000 down ull trice $3500 OX lunch business and bungalow Allquipment 1951 truck $13900 terms HtkEHY hiilna nriYfh nd wrffRiyi oi fquiprneni lung ICnlt $7000 full price GARAGE service station and property Lindsay area 60000 gallons 1 8 500 full price terms GROCERY and confectionery and prop erty 35 miles north of city $11000 toll price TOBACCO confectionery sundries etc east end 2 rooms sal 5850 weekly Hurry for Ahls one PRESSING and cleaning excellent equipment Including Mercury truck huge room in rear ull price $4400 Open tor offer BUTCHER and grocery a real snap or quick action $3000 down balance terms SMOKE shop $2000 downtown Toron to apartment avatiame SUMMER property Lake Simcoe fectlonery snark bar and dance 8 rooms $5 000 down 1 RESTAURANT: west end seating at a win an SNACK bar restaurant West end $800 weekly Increasing seating 35 Only $4 000 down STORE corner 8 rooms 3 garage suitable for pressing andfl cleaning $6000 down' CALL Business Brokerage WA 4 6607 A arlinger Real kt1 752A Yonge St til ALL Broker 651 Chur'r'n?" w'A 3 0995 DRY good store with property located busy town Eastern Ontario established by present ownor 25 years now selling due to family lllnesa Can prove $1500 weekly average sales for past years building excellent very valu able building with large modern apart ment one of the finest businesses of Its kind in Ontario $22000 plus stork at Invoice large caah payment required GROCERY store North Toronto $121 0C0 yearly sales rent $140 6 year lease open 5 day week finest of equip ment $12000 plus stock terms GROCETERIA near Lake Blmcfte $30 000 yearly sales rent only $50 good lease short hours Ideal for couple $4 500 plus stork TOBACCO cnntoctlonrrv store with 5 roomed apartment $500 turnover good tcaso uiw reefl tor sms tton $4500 total price TOBACCO rantrrttnnerv lock up Annette Jane area rent only $75 on lease $2500 cash required easy terms on balance tobacco confectionery store with large apartment west suburbs $1000 weekly turnover still growing long lease A wonderful future for anyose In this flna business $8000 plus stwk term 1 TOBACCO store with propertv good west end corner location 58 60 sales weekly lovely large apartment nona rate entrance oil heating $28000 with stock at Invoice $12000 down will handle i TOBACCO tnagaalne store wllh small snack bar Ideal location In rentre of large apartment project very lease $700 weekly at present end Irwreaaing steadily terrific spot tor a Mve wire or an ambitious couple $3000 down will handle SEATE Broker 651 Church WA 3 0995 bEEniNGrBroker WA 4 8779 GROCETERIA $3000 weekly cash sales $10000 plus stock Terms i CROCET1 RIA $2500 weekly cssh sale $9 500 plus stock Terms GROCERY and property Gutrtnl" cash sales $70000 Only $18000 Ulf cash a TOBACCO confectionery gilts $850 weekly turnover $8500 Teams TOBACCOS gifts 5 rooms $8800 In cludes $3000 stock TOBACCO magazines 2 and ostn ouu turnover ISH chips and snacks tolng $425 weekly over counter Only 12500 down ISH chins and property Guaranteed turnover $400 weekly Br'l consider exchange for house BtKllt A mndern equOment exclusive location $600 turnover A real buy CLEANING and preseMg University dis trict small bargain $2600 TOBACCO west en rorner $650 week ly sickness forta sale $3000 Plus stock real value HARDWARE In nf nrw residential district $25030 yearly $3500 plus siock or cmer SERVICE nuMon tand property 75000 gallonage mutual apartment $10000 flown DRINf Broker 406 Bloor WA 4 8779 rfltCLD to aell 22 chinchillas reasonable offer refused All government retrisfnrpd in niiolifv hupAHinrr Guaranteed A real bargain Willing to sell all or part Phone Douglas Johnson OX 3978 avenings 29 Bar hara Ores Kiddies Clothing Store 11 Donlands and O'Connor' MODERN More in busv nhnppini? centre 9 year leace substantial turnover can be increased or further particulars rail Mr Penny at OE 1178 Ken Wiles a 1 1 BLOOR $19000 cash will buy this most exclusive hardware busln eea in the city urther information will be given by lilting agent Ulneaa forcee owner to sell Act quickly Call Mr Michael Church OU 6321 ills Real Estate Ud LICVnSKEN grocery lock up North roTonto Make offer RU 1 0626 ACTORY for rent in easi central On tario communitv Work room floor space 3600 snur re feet second floor storage room approximately seme IPS water tube steam bollsr Box 4332 ISH and chip a real ciendy hurtneM with low rent doing $500 nr more a week good fixtures aeating for 20 East suburbs apartment available Call Mr Smith of Wiles Realtor AM 1 3364 ISH and chips groceries and confec tionery store for sale rent $40 month owner leaving town very reasonable sell this week CH 1 9740 1 OR rent in bustnesa centre heart of the seaway approxi mately 2100 sq ft ground floor auit able for any type of store drug cloth ing surplus etc $350 per month heated Would consider partnership si Beckville Ont RUir groeeriesltnd" mcatsT st cfairT Dufferin district good turnover lock up must be sold $3000 plua etock ob 744llftJ t6 7Q96 garage and living quarters gnle or more information please write Box 361 Niagara alls Ont GARAGE service station house store equipment Peterborough coftnly $14 QP0 Tcr4 Box 4331 K8lar CROC Ell store Greek $15000 plus stock for quick sale 2in Dundas EW A 4 765 grocery and butcher futures tn good condition 5 rooms above ta rage MU 9451 GROCERY store Greek and Canadian? $15000 plus stock for quick sale 2 1 0 Dundas Et WA 24765 GROCERY butcher shop wstr'nd PJiQO down ull price $3500 3 7769 GROCERY end butolier shoo stock and fixtures Rent $75 month Illness forces sale KB 5366 GROCER! store 6 roorn apartment above $75000 turnover annually At College RLSSWO plus stock REf KlSn and lumber bush nesv retiring after 41 years email stocky Apply 344Gerrard liUArihG and fishing resort forsala Northern Ontario main lodge 9 rablna 19 boats 2 motors Delco plant and Jeep Camp fully equipped to care for 30 guests Propene tai for rooking Cabins oil heated Best trout fishing in district Terms to responsible party 3992 Star ladies and wear Brantford Ont Cheap other interest reason for sailing Box3998 Star LUNCH service secups in stainless steel for $985 delivered anywhere In Ontario IXf 3903 Jf out of town write Box 4221 fctar MEN to learn auto bodv iiTdridlator repairing qi 579J 696 rQuecn IB MKN'fe wear store longestahliahedT with or without atoek GR 2181 tf onmodTrn eoffee shop and new home Locsted on No 2 Highway 2 mites eet of Chatham 36j ft frontage and 225 ft deep $2 000 weekly turnover Reaecnahle price tire? down payment required 1 Contact Mr Louis Runov RR I Chatham Ont i PAR i NEB with $25OO required silent or active: excaUant opportunity for very 1 high income in return for many years 1 Hift decision inperatlve eventually al later (late rxeeuHva position available 4340 Btar: i rARNLR $5000 required good secu riy excellent returns Box 4002 filar IlfteL estate otnTfr ecmrtelv equlpiMh lease for sate George bewkta Broxer 1696 Queen at Kt new ton Rd HO 3500 I i i IIVI TO Lraf qiodrrn 2 Bxy Stllon tJnlLnnlIr London Oulklrtt 200000 Gallon Pnirntlxl $6000 Will Handle Reaoonahle Rent Alo Small Service Elation An Lunrh Itooin In City Limit Both ImmerfliHefo AvsIU able Reliance etrolenm 610 Adelaide London i Vll! oun widow In late 30 a has capita! an drugstore experience ull particulars JtorttolAtsd'lStricUy confidential Box 4142 HI ar equipped some prlvite offices good for branch office excellent location rea A' 8 Nonlnston Hcaltor LL 3102 111 STAUIIANT Dantorth Coxwell $9'500 KLErke'e7 leMl 275 In i eluding 5 room apartment upstairs Make an offer We must sell by Sept IS Will accept terms Matthew Passau Beal Estate WA 4 2178 REST iilUANT next to theatre "excel lent fixtures seats 70 $1300 turnover ton 4eaae a $10000 handle A Nlctrll Broker HU 9 0084? ntcrA! it an thCN8? available next season Come and see It In nperottonj rxrrlllro price WA 4 2950 AlIRANT seats 30 good 'Anrrtover lonf lease reasonable rent Annly owner Bjverslde Lunch Button Ont i A 1 It A do wnto opportunity must sell other business In feretk EM 8 4404 BE 1 7374 fl lease Star Lunch 2582 Danforth itllRtD execntfve wltirpostaCexperl nr co operate tn crjanlxlng develop menl Box 273 Star ROOMING house?" 16' "rooms' fully furnished oil heat tong leaee good Income $3400 full price We can help finance ourchaser Call AJ Jones Brooks Real Estate 582 Yonge WA 4 ROOMING h'wtCfiioortShertii? rooms Income $480 month leaving 5 rooms for owner oil heat garage 2 baths $5000 down Brooks Bl Estate 582 YonoWA 4 7711 lidoj'tlNG content and lense Church" Mallland 10 rooms Owner says sell all ofters considered llva rent free and make money Kavanaugh Broker WA 1 4442 flfl rooming house 1 income $450 monthly rent $135 long lease $2500 down handlei Lowry RealBrtate 3888 ROOMING house itentr)' 12 rooms stoker Income over $500 monthly rent $11 5 lease Lowry Real Estate LA 3888 ROOMING house an content 9 4 00 Jncoroe 5 000 downW A 3 8233 BAND nd gravel" business 2" late model trucks steady customers a big money maker for partners Apply 586 Clen denan Av 1 lL sem groceries fruit and meet Established 35 years $3500 'weekly turnover Low rent goo lease rlty sub urbs no chain opposition $5000 cash will handle Retiring Box 3922 Star SHOE store In on's of the busiest blocks In the west rn just a lew doors from Loblawx $3000 for business and stock at Invoice price: long lease annual turn over about $40000 or appointment call Roman Babesvnskl Kowl Beal Esf slrt 403 Uonresvalles Ave ME 5725 MIO repairing business for seta RlLJ 1640 iTATIONEIlY rlt't school tuppitoiL cards etc busiest Danforth location tong ostabllshed big turncner sood jtowtf payment Box 204 8tar sales over $300000 on inaln suburban corner growing district aqulpment modern in new condition 15000 down plus stockr9 3957 MiT'lHMAllKil'' jOOO sqTCsales nvr? $31X1000 on main suburban corner growing district equipment modem In new condition $15000 down plus alack ST 8 3957 Do You Know? YOU can now refinance your present contracts lower your payments and ob tain additional money Itot'ALLY you can walk out with the cash within 30 minutes or less whether your security Is a car furniture or business NO A'lOUNT 11)0 fAltrlt NO ItlIILR glRlICg ANYWHERE Merchants inance Ltd 21 DUNDAS SQ COW AIOTORIA ism 1 1 OGR I 3 1935 AVAILABLE $500 UP TO $25000 OR Bl ILDI R8 (III OH NEB JIOMTGAGE Short term 1 or 2 years only BOX 4341 STAR QUICK CASH LOANS ON your car household effects or busi ness Confidential courteous service General tnancs Corp 82 Bloor St WAlnu I 5 1 1 7 Loans DIAMOND jewetrv binocu lars typewriters radios highest loans low rates no waiting1 art IS Bl to A OIICT 370 YONGE loans established 80 years highest loans low est rate on diamonds watches Jewelry sewing machines Inggaee golf clubs fishing equipment furs etc cro Me 139 Church EM pl a 4 409 8 SMALL loans fast service mortgage security EM 3 10411 eves BT 8 8097 or Rent DO OR.
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